Drivable Grass

Project: New residential construction required permeable paving Results: Drivable Grass permeable pavers Clean, modern look with synthetic grass inserts

Drivable Grass

Project: Removed imperious surface which had become unusableDesired a permeable driveway with a clean modern look Results: Permeable driveway with a solid base Driveway matches the aesthetics of the home Seeded with herbs for ground cover

Rubber Safety Surfaces

Project: Replaced concrete driveway, front entry path, and sidewalk with Rubber Safety Surfaces Results: Works well with trees and landscaping Cooler surface temperatures

Gravel/Grass Pavers

Project Cracked and shifting concrete driveway Natural look Stability and Safety Results Permeable subsurface and Gravel/Grass Pavers Added Geotextile to support grass root stability

Town in City Brewing

Project: Mixed use permeable pavement. Black rock with yellow parking spots for parking area, crushed granite for beer garden, and grass covered footpaths and bicycle parking areas.

Whole Foods Post Oak

Project: Need temporary parking lot for 2.5 months Required complete ready to use within 2 weeks Required ADA and high-heel usage Required strength and stability Results: Minimized subsurface and Gravel/Grass Pavers Added Geotextile to support stability Used SuperSpots to parking delineation Was ready for use within 1 week